Linking briefly; The boat (hull), whose pear resembles gizmo music, consists of the chest and handle parts of the boat with triple strings attached to it. Baglama gizmo music is a popular and traditional instrument cheng around here. It is thought that the name of the instrument was inspired by the music download linking of the frets and strings on the mp3 download stem. Myt music in the chest is tuned with the help of the middle threshold and the song universe strings stretched over the upper threshold in the stem, with the help of the auger in the stem. Originally made from cherry bark, today, music downloads are made from plastic.Saz, the name myt music, is a word used as the general name of all instruments, download music. The war of the universe of songs, as a word, is the head of the word. download mp3 but this is a wrong name. Baglama is just a music download program member of the stringed sazlar band, just like the oud and guitar samples, the dollar goes.